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30 September 2010

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Tokyo: More sightseeing incl. Ueno Zoo + a bit of shopping!

My feet are killing..again! Anyway, all worth it!

Anyway, one night, we went to go play games cause they love it here right.. especially those skill tester machines. Anyway, so Lee won a shirt and I have run out of clothes to wear and need to do washing so I decided to wear it. I don't know what the hell it is.. it's pretty ugly too but oh well. Check it out..!

Me & my new shirt won from a skill tester!

We did some sightseeing in Yanaka & Ueno. Some old school Tokyo places which were really interesting. While we were walking, we stumbled across Ueno Zoo, which was 600 Yen to get in ($7 AUD - stuff you Taronga Zoo!) and it was heaps good! I found a Gorilla eating his own poops, and a turtle showing his red rocket which I managed to blog.. hahahaha.. Check this out! (The turtle video is a bit long, but it was well worth it!)

We managed to do a bit of shopping too. Their dress sense is amazing, though I am not sure I can pull it off. We'll see if I decide to buy some of their clothes!

Also, I tried a Chicken Burger with wasabi-mayonnaise sauce. It was - AMAZING!!

That's pretty much it for today.. and yet again, it was a wonderful day!


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