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05 August 2013

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Barcelona: Museo Picasso & Gothic Quarter

'Barca' sign in the Gothic Quarter

It was another beautiful day in Barcelona! Phil wanted to bike ride so we decided to join him. Even though it wasn't really our thing, I thought well why not. We're in Barcelona and the weather is amazing and plus, they're really bike friendly! Unfortunately we were too slow for Phil so we decided to part ways to do our own thing!

How good looking am I with my helmet!

The outside of Palau de la Musica Catalana

Lee on his bike roaming the alleyways!

We ended up bike riding and having a stopover at Musee Picasso which by the way, was an amazing museum! The line was a bit long, but I would say we waited about a half hour for people that didn't pre-book tickets. The museum itself was large and easy to navigate. Unfortunately, you couldn't take any photos! The museum had some great artwork. Definitely worth seeing.

Museo Picasso. Pretty much the only picture I could take!

We then walked towards Gothic Quarter, where the medieval buildings looked so different to everything else in Barcelona. So dark, but amazing. Great walk around the area.

Barcelona Cathedral. We didn't go in. There were Gypsies blocking the entrance!

Carrer del Bisbe Irurita. Look up close. It's amazing!
There's figures looking down at you!

After a long day, and our last night in Barcelona, we decided to have more awesome food... Paella! The seafood paella portion was so huge...(sorry I forgot the restaurant but it was close to L'exiample.) This was also the first time I tried cured Mountain Lion. Yes.. you heard right.. Mountain Lion! I had one bite, and that was enough for me! Very salty!

Mmmm seafood Paella. It was soooo good!

Cured Mountain lion. Try it... why not!

The finished product. Demolished!

It was a great night in Barcelona and our last night with Phil. We had a great time and all my initial thoughts of Barcelona were completely different to actually being there. Definitely recommend dropping past Barcelona. You won't regret it!

Until then,


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