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26 July 2013

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Barcelona: La Sagrada Familia & Casa Mila

The weird shapes of Casa Mila!

Excuse me for posting so late! Anyway, here it is!

Barcelona feels like a distant memory now, but looking back at the photos, it feels like we were only there yesterday!

The weather was beautiful so we decided to walk to get our bearings around Barcelona. Everyone is so friendly. The cars are nice to the bikes, the bikes are nice to the pedestrians, and the pedestrians are nice to the bikes. The culture here is amazing!

We decided to walk to La Sagrada Familia the most famous church that was designed by Antoni Gaudi. Construction started on this church in 1882 and can you believe that it's still going, with an expected completion date of 2030! The exterior is amazing, and going inside the church, it's even better! The photos don't do it justice and if you are in Barcelona, I definitely recommend going! We waited in line and didn't buy tickets in advance. I would say we waited about half an hour in the sun! But, it was worth it!

Beautiful architecture on the way to Sagrada

Sagrada from the Park. In awe already!

Inside Sagrada. No words can explain it. So different from any other church I've seen!

The roof of Sagrada Familia

Some of the stained glass windows (my camera wasn't that good)

Exterior of Sagrada (from one side)

High Ceilings!

A door at Sagrada. Beautiful!

The exterior from afar. It's amazing!

We continued our trek and walked back towards Passig de Gracia which was near where we were staying. On the way, we walked past Casa Batllo, another one of Gaudi's works. The architecture was amazing because I've not seen anything like it! And Barcelona is the perfect backdrop for all these places!

Casa Batllo. Don't you think the balconies look like skulls?

Of course I had to do a selfie!

Casa Mila was next on our list which was quite close to Casa Batllo. Unfortunately we didn't go in, though I did hear that the roof is amazing up there!

And my selfie infront of it of course!
We went back home to rest our feet and later that night went our for dinner. What was on the menu? Tapas of course! You just have to when you're in Spain!

It was amazing. Let me tell you the Patatas Bravas was so good, I told Lee that he had to start making it when we got back home!!

Roasted vegetable stack with cheese

Patatas Bravas and whitebait...mmmm

Casa Mila on the way back home. Stunning!

It was a great day and night in Barcelona. We just felt so comfortable there and all the paranoia of people pickpocketing and stuff.. it never happened!

Can't wait for another day in Barcelona!

Until then,


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