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16 July 2012

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NSW: Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney

Posters from Sydney - would love them on my walls!

Ok, so Chloe and I have been trying to plan a trip to a museum for a long time and we decided to go to the Museum of Contemporary Art, since it has been revamped.

The place looked great, and I was very excited!

There were some things that were interesting, some things that were ok, and some things that made you think 'is this really art?' or 'I can do something like this!'

To be honest, it was semi-inspirational. Don't get me wrong, the gallery was great and some things were very interesting, but I was just expecting a bit more. Or am I a contemporary art snob?

Hopefully our next date to the Art Gallery of NSW will be more exciting!

Until then,

What the.. I don't know..!
A sound installation where you walked under a specific part of the artwork, it made a sound!

People testing the sound!

An artwork made from something that I forgot, but it was kind of 3D?

A mirror artwork

Another interesting artwork...

A wall using Dulux paint

An interesting light artwork


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