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07 October 2010

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Tokyo: Odaiba - The island made from Tokyo's landfill!

Amazing right?

Anyway, so we had to catch the monorail there, and I accidently missed our stop. So we had to get off and go back again. And when we did, I had to do a double take because I swear I thought I saw Craig Wing! Lee was like that's him because he was on the phone with an Aussie accent. I was like 'what is he doing here?' Then, we researched later and found out it was him cause he's now part of the Japanese League! haha.. Oh well

Is it Craig Wing?
So it is like another island connected by 'rainbow bridge'. It's pretty cool. There was like a timezone there but 4 floors worth. What the? Full of skill testers, pachinkos and other games!
Then, we went on the Ferris Wheel which apparently is the highest in the world! I couldn't not look down cause I felt sooo sick! (sorry the pic of the ferris wheel won't load!)

And then we ended up going to Sega Joypolis, an indoor amusement park. I was not amused!! I got sick after the first ride because it spun you around 360 degrees.. I felt like vomiting. And Lee was there like a big kid screaming cause he loved it!!

My worst nightmare - Joypolis.. the amusement park
Anyway, was another great day. We on the trains at like 11:30pm and they were still packed as? What do the Japanese people do at this time of the night?


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