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05 October 2010

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Tokyo: A day in Ikebukuro!

Ok, so the weather was foggy and muggy today...eh.. not a reason to stay in the hotel room!

Today we went to Ikebukuro. There's a place there called Sunshine City and inside there was a place called Namjatown. It's another amusement park, but the dude at the front counter said that all games were in Japanese (boo!) so there was no point in playing them. Oh well, we went in anyway. Inside, there was a Gyoza Food hall where all they sold was Gyoza like every different kind! What the!? I know that most of them are stuffed with Pork so I couldn't really eat it! And, there was an Ice Cream Museum.. what the??

A typical Gyoza Stand in Namjatown

Ended up getting cheese gyoza & some prawn dumplings.. yummo!

Yes.. a mini-city devoted to Ice Cream!
We then ventured into Ikebukuro and ended up having a couple of drinks in 'the lock up'. It was interesting! You would get there, then they would hand cuff you and bring you to your cell, we got into our cell and ordered some drinks that came in these weird varieties.. haha it was fun! There was a time where these scary people were let loose and all the lights went off, and they were roaming the place, I knew they were there but I still got s*** scared! haha - Video is attached (note the video is dark and goes for a while, but I'm narrating so it's all good!)

Me and my drink that's meant to be blood! haha

My second drink!

Lee's 1L drink of beer in one of those measuring things!


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